Your letters for Sept. 22, 2020

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That’s why Nature Saskatchewan joined more than 230 organizations urging the federal government to put nature at the heart of its recovery efforts.

Our future depends on a new direction for Canada that will protect the planet and all of the species that share it with us. That starts with the throne speech on Wednesday.

Jordan Ignatiuk, Regina

Ignatiuk is executive director of Nature Saskatchewan.

Still too many risks being taken

I was pleased to see that, in a small way at least, the province was beginning to take the pandemic guidelines seriously by fining the individual who organized the infamous “gathering” in Saskatoon that lead to almost two dozen people being infected with COVID-19. Some might argue that a $2,000 fine for potentially putting so many lives at risk is a slap on the wrist. Reportedly 47 people attend the event which essentially puts the penalty for risking people’s lives at $42.55 each.

I also find the statement by Dr. Saqib Shahab that the person who was fined would not be identified because “it is important to protect the confidentially of the host and those who attended.” To be absurd.

The educational approach to violations to guidelines used so far by the province has, quite simply, not worked. It would be much more effective to name and shame people who thumb their noses at rules put in place to protect all of us.

We have been dealing with this pandemic for six months and more. How is it humanly possible for the organizer or the attendees not to be aware of the risk they were taking? Everywhere we go there are marks on the floor of businesses marking out the two-metre safe distance we are supposed to respect. It is not that tough to figure out. What was it they didn’t understand?

If I hosted a large event at my house — even if I kept within the 30-person guideline — to respect the distancing rules, people would be relegated into the furnace room or the linen closet.

It is past time that people in our province began to take this pandemic seriously.

Gord Hunter, Regina